Online Giving

There are many ways . . .
> Mail a check to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 548 Chestnut Ave., Holtville, CA  92250
> Drop off a check in the church's mailbox at the same address.
> Donate using the Mobile Phone App.  It's easy and fast. (Click here for video.)
> Donate using the online link below on your computer at home.

Still confused about how to contribute, please contact  the church office for more ideas on how to support St. Paul's Lutheran Church at 760-356-4315

Welcome to Online Giving throughgiveplus

Your generous giving plants the seeds that enables St. Paul's to grow christ in Us and Us in the World. Together we are reaching people with the good news of Jesus here in Holtville and beyond.

Thank you!



Benefits of Online Giving

- It's a step of faith ... deciding in advance to give faithfully
- It helps simplify life
- It's easy to set up and manage re-occurring gifts
- It's automatically recorded in your St. Paul's giving statement
- It allows you to give consistently ... even when you are not at church
- It is safe and secure.
- Just click on the link above to begin. Follow the instructions and you are on your way!

Mobile Online Giving - Click here for a video about GIVE+MOBILE

Using your smartphone or tablet, download for free GivePlus (Vanco Payment Solutions) app from your APP store and then search for St. Paul's Lutheran Church

- See the Video info below for a short video with more information

Informational Videos about Online Giving (powered by Vanco)

- Click here for a video about GIVE+MOBILE